By lovebigmacs - 06/10/2009 23:32 - United States

Today, I showed my boyfriend the new tattoo of a butterfly that I'd gotten on my lower back. He said, "It looks like it's flying when your rolls jiggle." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 146
You deserved it 41 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for getting a tramp stamp, and of something as cheesy and overdone as a butterfly. That is all.

It can flap its wings when you're getting it doggy style :D Pretend you're flyingggg. wheeeeeeee Oh wait, you're too fat to fly...


Shadow_Phantom 26

I don't see why people get tattoos in places where 99% of people aren't going to see them. OP: That sucks but YDI.

Ms_Breezy_love 0

Wow. YDI and FYL. YDI because even though your fat, and there is nothing wrong with being fat, you knew before you got that tattoo that it would look wrong on you. FYL because I cant lie..that has to suck big time that your bf pointed that out. pahah and 'lovesbigmacs' is your name? smh..

This is the exact definition of a tramp stamp. A fat chick wants to be "sexy", so she gets a lower back tattoo of a butterfly. You ******* deserve it for trying to be cool. How about a bit of oiriginality? And maybe a weight watch tape.

Dude, the only thing fat chicks have going for them is personality. You obviously have nothing going for you because not only were you stupid enough to get a tramp stamp, but you went and got a cliche butterfly. Do you have an original bone in your body?!

Get some god damn originality, asshole. You got a tramp stamp. How wildly uninteresting. And you got it of a butterfly. That lacks so much originality I want to strangle another human being now. **** you. I can't believe you wasted my time making me read that bullshit.

hobopatz 0

A butterfly tramp stamp on a fat girl. where to begin....

Everyone seems to be missing a point here ... if she's that fat and rolly, how'd the artist get the tattoo on her in the first place??

Rico5037 0

yup, all girls want honesty, unless it's too honest

the question at hand really is: how do you get fat rolls on your lower back?