By Anonymous - 31/05/2013 04:28 - United States

Today, I signed a two-year lease on a house. My next-door neighbor said she's in love with me, threatened my girlfriend, and won't stop blasting Taylor Swift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 493
You deserved it 4 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taylor Swift... Sounds like a living, lucid nightmare. I feel for you.

rg350dx 29

I thought it wasn't THAT terrible until I read won't stop blasting Taylor swift. My deepest condolences.


Best two years of your life coming up! Hahaha

Taylor Swift? YDI, because you should have known she was trouble when you walked in...

TallMist 32

But a Swift aint one. Oh wait.......

That's why before you commit to moving, you ALWAYS try to check out the neighbours first. They can be a literal nightmare. If there's no get out clause I'd recommend documenting incidents, should they persist, and looking into a restraining order.

Ah, the 'joy' of bad influences on the young mind... FYL.

Llama_Face89 33

Honestly I feel like this FML could be the premise of a fairly decent horror film.

Who the hell signs a 2 year lease?

CoffeeChickBlows 13

Ikr, my 2-year lease on your mom's pussy ended like 9 months before you were born. There's a silver lining to everything.

I feel for you OP hearing any one of those three would really scare me. That's why I don't listen to Taylor Swift , I don't have a girlfriend and nobody really loves me.

I do't quite get it, everyone? What shitty music is OP supposed to blast in counteraction?

Taylor swifts music HAS been known to make a great torture device