By Anonymous - 31/05/2013 04:28 - United States

Today, I signed a two-year lease on a house. My next-door neighbor said she's in love with me, threatened my girlfriend, and won't stop blasting Taylor Swift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 493
You deserved it 4 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taylor Swift... Sounds like a living, lucid nightmare. I feel for you.

rg350dx 29

I thought it wasn't THAT terrible until I read won't stop blasting Taylor swift. My deepest condolences.


yzzami 17

If she keeps it up contact the police

Swift4Life 13

Finally!! Someone who's head is screwed on straight!! *high five*

Cue intro of "Dark messenger" -Final Fantasy 9.

Start blasting something that contradicts the song lol..

aneurophobia 5

Sorry about the Taylor. That's the worst part.

Depending upon where you live you may have a right of rescission, but that only lasts a few days so act fast.

icepick23 12

Is she hot? If so, enjoy her...

Perdition25 12

As if, a hot girl who is crazy in love only happens in movies. Or Beyonce songs...

RedPillSucks 31

That'll just make OPs current GF crazy, then he'll have two problems. It's not all about sex.

Give her a break! She is in love, so it is fine. :) If she is hot than I see absolutely no reasonwhy this is FML.

1. They just met; she is not in love in any reasonable sense of the word. 2. Even if she were in love, that does not make stalking and harassment "fine." 3. If "hotness" is all you need to let a seemingly quite disturbed stranger seduce you, that's your choice, but some people have standards and self-respect. 4. OP is already in a relationship. 5. No one deserves to be stuck in the position of being harassed and having their personal lives invaded by unwanted nuisances, no matter what form they come in. That's why it's an FML.

You should have a "30 day" clause where you can break lease for any reason if you're unhappy legally. Break it and move out.