By opposableouch - 27/10/2009 18:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I sliced a deep gash into my thumb while carving up bagels. After putting a plaster on, I returned to my room to relax, where I lit a candle. The flame from my new lighter shot up, and set fire to the plaster on my thumb. Now I have a cut AND several burns. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 003
You deserved it 7 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dspadres 0

We didn't copy your language. You guys brought it with you when you colonized this country. Plaster as we know it is a chemical compound meant to seal holes in walls and such so it can be painted over. I would hope you guys don't put shit like that on your cuts. It can't be good putting whatever the hell is in that stuff in your blood stream.

leyash 0

Because it's a top brand name for covering wounds. That's why.


yourkiddingright_fml 0

In the Yiddish language they have a word for someone that is inept or clumsy - Klutz!!!

Wow, precauterized wounds! Now THAT's convenient!

lol wow that sucks.. I cut my thumb open cutting bagels last year. I got 8 stitches and lost partial feeling in my left thumb =[

wellinever 5

Did you bleed on the bagels? Mmm bagels. Well, if you're not going to eat them ... What? Oh, get well soon.

Man you are SO FUNNY! SERIOUSLY, WOW! So damn ORIGINAL! You must be proud :)

Plaster (UK def.s): Band-Aid Stuff on walls Casts

#55, are you really going to sit there and pretend you have no idea what a homonym is? What about bank? When someone says "I was down by the river bank," does an image of sea otters giving out loans pop into your head?

This was already clarified. Go back and read the comments and then think about what you did

@yourkiddingright Klutz is not from Yiddish (I'm pretty sure). Yiddish has the following two words for such a person: Shlemiel— the one who spills his soup. Shlemazel— the one he spills it on.

sydefx 0

So you decided to use to the same thumb you cut to light the candle. Unfortunately, you didnt set yourself on fire.

spanishflirt6509 0

Y does everything have to be about culture and race and hate amongst countries...I'm Puerto Roxanne and I love the British and the Asians and everyone else. Jeez people is this way we're teaching our kids and our families.