By ronz - 08/02/2012 13:26

Today, I sneaked off work early. As I was in the elevator on the way down to leave, it stopped at my boss's floor, and he got in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 776
You deserved it 44 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Elevarors are not a very sneaky way of leaving work......

taytaylal 11

Ydi. Don't go on the elevator, you go down the stairs.


Should of parachuted off the building. You need to think before you do stuff!

If you were my employee and I caught you kicking off early, I'd walk you right to your car and away from my business forever. Leaving work early is stealing, asshole. Did you ever think of that, or were you too busy plotting your afternoon "off"?

Doc - Fair enough, but what if they were required to clock their hours, and OP was honest on the time card about what time they left? If they were scheduled until 5 but left at 4 and recorded it as such, there would be nothing paid for the time absent, so I don't see it as stealing. Being stupid, yes. Not stealing in that case.

That's a bit rude..May be OP got an urgent problem which he can't mention to the boss.

blegehlehgleh 0

You just got strong urge to **** ur wife..or you are on drugs and ur kit got empty...nice examples?

Steff - that's a big assumption on your part, especially considering OP refers to it as sneaking off.

Squeaky_Tomato 14

@21 lots of employees now are "salaried" meaning they do not get paid by the hour. Therefore, leaving work early is stealing.

Actually sweetie when your on salary you usually work more than the minimum hours required. Now that's not stealing. Just fair. :)

desireev 17

Leaving from a scheduled job that you're getting paid to do is stealing. There are no questions about it! Salary or hourly.. It's still stealing! And even if OP was to clock out then sneak off, then OP just took away precious time from the boss. Some other man who's desperate to feed his family really would have liked to work that hour that OP dipped out on. (Hour being an assumed time frame.) OP, you are irresponsible and you don't deserve your employment if you're going to sneak off from your workplace. Regardless of circumstances, you 'sneaking off' is stealing!

19, That's one way of looking at it, alternatively you could acknowledge that the average employee works overtime above and beyond what they are paid for, as such it is actually reimbursement for time. Besides, with work life taking over our lives these days most people do require time off every now and then just to get things done. Fortunately for myself I work in a relaxed environment where they allow us to leave if necessary, as they acknowledge we are making up the time in other ways, and that people have other things outside of work they need to take care of every now and then. It really depends on the environment this person works in, if its a strict workplace where they don't allow you time off for any reason that isn't illness, and you only get a minimal break every day, I'd say go for it so long as you've ensured you have completed all your work for the day. If you're sneaking off because you're lazy and have no real need to leave, then you're just an idiot. TLDR.

stephanieeDawnx 0
JukeboxValkyrie 19

*Today, I snuck out of work early.

Anai08 17

What's funny is that I read the fml like this, and had to look back at it to realize it was grammatically incorrect ^_^"

dmblonde 13

Sneaked can be used as well, depending on where you're from.

RedPillSucks 31

This is when you ask with a straight face "Are you skipping out early too?" Keep walking and don't look back.

Not a very crafty devil are you. Thank god you're not a part of Seal Team 6. Bin Laden would still be sitting there watching the Simpsons. "Hang on guys, let me ring the doorbell and see if anyone is home first." Next time use the stairs.

erockinthesuburb 17

You should've pulled a Bruce Willis and climbed up the elevator shaft.