By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 11:44 - Sweden

Today, I sneezed so hard that I hit my head against the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 204
You deserved it 6 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NoNotTheFace 8

Now, you won't need your girlfriend to beat you up so you can look tougher to your friends, you can just tell them that a wall attacked you. The ************ came outta nowhere, I swear.


ieatunicorn4fun 7

I just read a random fml identical to this. Only it says her boyfriend put it on Facebook.... Ouch

It happens. Humans sneeze at over 100 mph on average. That's a lot of force. Just move yourself away from any walls next time.

And the wall won lol, and bless you btw

boredblonde 17

Did you put a hole in the wall? ?

Op should always wear a helmet before he sneezes

I have to admit this is flipping hilarious, but ouch.

At least you got the sneeze out. Most of my sneezes go away right on the middle that's like stopping in the middle of sex right before you hit ******. Disappointing.