By sykotoaster - 13/07/2009 22:09 - United States

Today, I spend two hours inside a bar talking about how I never worry about my boyfriend cheating on me when he travels for work. Everyone told me I was lucky to have such a great relationship. When we all decided to go out on the patio for a smoke, we saw him making out with someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 922
You deserved it 10 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kscott88 0

Well, technically he wasn't traveling for work when cheating on I guess you were kind of right...


americayay 0

Yeah, 87. I'm a woman and I don't act like that. At all. I imagine a lot of gay men don't either. Your generalizations are rediculous and insulting. But yes, 2 hours is a long time to talk about yourself.

so it sounds like you need to worry about him on the home front.

Vacant 7

That really sucks. I don't see how smoking and talking for two hours makes it an YDI. Obviously if they were complimenting him and he was talking for the whole two hours they must of been in an interesting conversation, probably consisting of their own worries/security with their relationships. With the smoking, he went outside to get away from people/be respectful, so all he was really harming was himself/other smokers around him/people who chose to risk second-hand smoke. This is a FYL, hands down.

yea hasnt anyone noticed that it said my "boyfriend" but then at the very bottom it says by sykotoaster (MAN)??

Because it isn't relevant to the story.

And yes, he's gay. But it's not really important now, is it?

waterynuggets 0

Gay people exist. It's 2009, BTW.

YDI. I hate people who gush about their significant others. No one cares.