By stupidtoothpick2 - 16/08/2009 05:19 - United States

Today, I spent hours trying to get a piece of food out of my two front teeth. I didn't have anything I could use, until I went out to dinner and got a toothpick. I finally got the food out of teeth. The toothpick broke. Now the tip of the toothpick is stuck in my teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 271
You deserved it 8 490

Same thing different taste


This is going to turn into one of those "she swallowed the spider to catch the fly" things, isn't it?

prettykitty123 0

Use the other end of the toothpick?

some toothpicks only have one pointy end

Jennydew 0

That's not an FML. Get another toothpick or go to the store and get some floss.

How do they deserve it for eating. Like really everyone eats. But they deserve it for not getting floss

1. Learn how to REPLY. 2. Learn to understand sarcasm.

Go see the dentist. You have a dirty mouth and a dumb mind if you didn't think of flossing. Pathetic. YDI.