By Anonymous - 16/12/2012 23:02 - Ireland - Waterford

Today, I spent nearly half an hour trying to dispel my sister's belief that men have to strap down their penises before going jogging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 738
You deserved it 4 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well not EVERY guy is hung like an elephant, BUT..

Well... I know if I dont tie it down I would come home with red marks all across my chest.


Capt_Oblivious 10

You mean you don't have to duct tape it down?!?! My buddies always told me you had to and I just believed them. Those crazy guys.

I use compression shorts when running way better than the freeballing for distance

Nice face tat. Reminds me of Zell from FF8

Compression shorts, or running shorts with a liner, take care of this problem.

beastiness 14

Well we kinda do, I'm a runner and I always wear compression shorts when I run any distance cause I can't stand it bouncing around

Well, the last time I ran was probably in middle school, but I still remember how annoying it was to have it flopping around in tight-ish gym shorts the whole time, and to add insult to annoyance I was a hormonal young boy in a PE class full of girls and all that stimulation from the flopping didn't help... If I could have tied it down it would have been a huge help. No pun intended.

Does taking the tape off not seem like it would be just about the most painful thing ever to anyone else, or is that just me?

biglittlehead 12

The putting it on would be fine. It's that taking it off part that would suck. *shudders*

I have to wear 3 bras and hold my breasts down when I jog. Just kidding, I don't jog.

biglittlehead 12

At least you don't have to tuck your nuts into your socks to avoid tripping.

Obviously by my username I wouldn't know. I'm hung like a light switch so I can't really say