By shockedgirl - 16/01/2010 07:17 - United States

Today, I spent the day studying with one of my classmates whom I've just met. While studying, she kept bragging about her boyfriend and decided to show me a picture of him. It was my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 220
You deserved it 2 736

Same thing different taste


NewJoisey 0

zomgfail stfu with the pathetic comments. you lack the ability to get off the internet and maybe, just maybe, see the sun.

bbyb_sara93 0
Fuckimlazy 0

YDI for dating a douche bag. get a nice guy who won't cheat

CaseAndPoint 0

Don't be stupid, girls date the assholes and douche bags until their biological clock tells them to settle down, then the nice guys come in. I have seen it happen time and time again and from experience I say it sucks.

Maddoctor 10

I'm not dating a douchebag...maybe the OP just has bad taste in guys.

nunnie 0

lmao that's funny, but what are the odds?huh

As much as I dont usually agree with the whole 'banning together to ruin the dude's life' response...I kinda would be okay with it in this situation. Good luck OP. Sorry your *ex* bf was such an ass.

shizkitt 0

something similar happened to me, but what's worse is that it was my first relationship ever. :/

When I read this FML, I thought 'oh man, maybe you're my girlfriend'. Then I noticed you live in New York. Then I realized I only have one girlfriend. True story. Back on topic, your boyfriend (ex, I hope) is a bell end.