By NC - 11/02/2010 07:32 - Malaysia

Today, I spilled some milk on my laptop. I was pretty sure it would be fine as it was only a bit of milk. While cleaning the residue, I knocked a whole bucket of water into the insides of the laptop. RIP Macbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 262
You deserved it 34 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You put a large bucket of water next to your Macbook? You deserved it. Computers liquids = dumbass.

thedivinecomeD 0

yes, when I surf the web I always have my handy bucket of water at a reachable distance. can't trust that firefox...


tprankd 0

Winblows sucks. Enjoy your shitty NTFS. *nix is where it's at.

anybody else wondering why there was a random bucket of water?

Proof that Macs are for people that lack a brain.

monnanon 13

of course thats why macs are the industry standard for a lot of SFX work and animation (sarcasm). its just another type of computer what the hell is everyones problem. You want to do creative stuff get a mac, you want to play a wide range of games get a pc thats the only difference.

ACTUALLY mac is not better for creative stuff really. You can't do anything special, its just that its much harder to transfer files.

brandothemando 0

today I was stupid enough to have a huge bucket of water and a glass of milk next to my MacBook then they both spilled FML

y did u hav a bucket of water next to a laptop?

Colin466 0

So does it bother anyone else that he calls it a laptop? I mean really, laptop says PC. You sir have a MacBook and should say MacBook from the beginning. That way we can stop caring, because who the F cares about mac users anyway?

Mumblstiltskin 0

Good, now you can go by a real computer.

perdix 29

You are opening a laptop near a bucket of water? Do you live in a Three Stooges movie? Watch out for Moe slapping your cell phone into Curly's soup and shorting out Larry's Large Hadron Collider!