By Anonymous - 12/10/2010 23:51 - United States

Today, I started college after a night out. I'd got tipsy at the club and started dancing with a cute guy. He asked for my number. I didn't want to give it to him, so I gave him a rejection number. Guess who's the new professor for my bio class? And yes, he recognized me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 678
You deserved it 37 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idea for using a rejection number and not having the guts to just say how you feel to his face :/

Rejection hotlines should be reserved for creepers and douchebags, at least give decent guys that you just aren't interested in a wrong number and not a you-suck-at-life number.


lmao 128 you have big **** for a 12 year old :L anywho OP you deserve it for being stupid... if he was cute you should have given it to him or if you didn't want to just lie you lost your phone or something... rejection lines are getting out of hand nowdays ...

Obviously, 128 posted a fake pic or isn't really 12.

You made a mistake on your profile then, poser.

hairt 4

lmao that means you can't read 128, your dob says you're born in the year 1998.

Umm, since when are university professors young? Or are you a mature age entry student?

switch your class that's what my sister did when she didn't like her professor