By TheVagabond_SRG - 02/08/2016 06:46 - United States - Grand Prairie

Today, I started my first day at a job. First thing my manager does is ask me if I knew the fastest way to kill someone there, then told me with a straight face all of what would occur when dumping a person's head into the deep fryer. Then the psycho assigned me to the fry station. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 537
You deserved it 1 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Due to some clerical error, the world's top assassin was assigned to manage a fast food joint. Meanwhile, in a blacklisted government facility, the person who would've been your manager is faking their way through interrogating a detained criminal. "Don't make me get the hairnet out, you scum! When I'm done with you, there won't be a meal happy enough to console you!"

sylvienoir 18


I'd get out of there as soon as possible OP.

Or maybe, just maybe your manager has a weird sense of humour? Don't take things too seriously. Really. Has anybody died from having their head deep fryed on your workplace? No? There you have it.

Man, the hazing rituals for new employees are getting intense. In all seriousness, I would consider leaving that job. I know work can be hard to find these days, but it's not worth risking your safety or making yourself work in an environment that makes you feel threatened.

r83839 22

Dude. It's a joke. As someone with a morbid sense of humor, and as an ex-supervisor, I find this a hilarious way of making sure the new guy doesn't get too cocky.

I understand morbid humor, but to me, this is going a bit too far. Call me weird, but it would make me uncomfortable.

l3b4s1 8

Hes probably just messing with you lol probably...

I bet after a bit of working there, your nerves will be fried...amongst other parts.

Maybe that's his "humorous" way of warning you not to fall in by accident...