By Frustation - 30/07/2012 13:00 - United States

Today, I started my new job, and was introduced to my colleague. She seemed old and quite experienced, so I thought she was going to teach me. I was wrong. It turns out I'm a replacement for her daughter, who used to secretly do all of her work for her because she has no idea how to do it herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 888
You deserved it 1 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mhopper 13

I'm sure they'll figure that out soon enough. Don't get stuck doing twice the work!


I don't know what type of job you have, but why not just do your own work and leave the other woman to her own devices? If she can't pick up the slack, then the boss will eventually notice. Or if you think she's the type who would blame someone else, put in a complaint before she gets in there first. It's even better if other employees have noticed her laziness and are willing to back you up.

Time to prove to your supervisors that she is redundant and needs firing.

I wonder if that's why her daughter quit.. Lol