By AyDiosMio42 - 08/09/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, I stepped on the MacBook Air I purchased 4 days ago. The screen snapped in two, and I didn't buy insurance because I promised myself I would be "extra careful." $3500 well spent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 70 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you step on your macbook if you are "extra carefull"??? Putting it on the floor, or maybe you did dance on the table?, isn't carefull at all!

russianspy1234 11

so spend 900 and get a pc that's better.


Hahaha typical moron mac user response. "Its expensive so it must be good!" Why is it then that you can get a PC with twice the specs for half the price? God you mac owners just get more and more stupid every second.

$3500?!? You could have bought a 17" MacBook Pro. Idiot!!

YDI for leaving it on the floor and buying a Mac... you could have gotten an equivalent PC laptop for half the price... and then not have wasted so much money.

YDI for buying a macbook air. Scam of the century.

aero_fml 0

a) You can get viruses on Macs b) What makes the Mac the best pcs around? The fact that they're the most expensive or that they look cool? Neither of these makes the computer. c) Macs are overpriced, underperforming, and poorly designed. 90% of their products overheat in ten minutes. Nuff said.

macs are the best i got my mac for free because every high school student in sydney gets a laptop from the government, well my school chose to get us macs and i love it so when this one gets too old ill definitely get a mac over a pc has a 1 year warranty when you buy it..

Aw, that sucks. But if you earn enough to spend over 3000 dollars on a laptop, you can probably buy a new one soon.

Don't buy a new one! You can replace the display for only $600 yourself. Check out iFixit for a guide on how to do so...

....And your laptop was lying around on the ground because?