By Anonymous - 22/02/2013 02:56 - United States - New York

Today, I stole a pen from the doctor's office while she wasn't looking. Later on at work, I idly pulled the pen out during a meeting. My colleague looked at me, horrified. The pen had the words "minimally invasive gynecological surgery" emblazoned on it. I'm a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 660
You deserved it 51 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perry_sameh20 18

Omg why did u steal a pen?! Lol

Why did you feel it necessary to steal a pen?

Ugh. You're one've -those- types of people. FYL, indeed, because you're a cheap bastard.

Misswildsides 22

Don't deny you haven't stolen any cheap merchandise.

Have you never heard of the famous I'd've?

58- I actually say that, but now that I've seen it typed... :l

This is one the few times when it is actually of not "ve.

I would have laughed my ass off.. that's awesome

I would sort of understand if the pen was one of those pens with multiple colors or a cool design but just a normal pen, what is wrong with you?

Are you so poor you can't even afford a PEN?

I'd explain that that doctor also does many other surgeries and medical procedures.

Why on Earth would you steal a pen and then feel the need to be happy with what you did? Bic has pens for $0.16, go buy one. Karma. Enjoy.

"why on earth"... 1. Kleptomania 2. Petty revenge. 3. Bad mood. 4. Accidentally.

You forgot: 5. They never have a pen when they need one. I swear those things have legs

#25, I used to work with a doctor who joked that he thought of pens like oxygen: He'd inhale them wherever he needed them, and exhale them wherever he was done with them. Somehow he always inhaled at my desk and exhaled at his own.

upallnight11 19