By Anonymous - 15/05/2010 19:41 - United States

Today, I stopped at a yellow light. The guy behind me did not. He had no insurance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 679
You deserved it 6 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

so what's the problem? he's the one that's in deep shit, at least in my country you can go to jail for that, so you can ask him for cash, a lot of it.


judochop85 0

that's why YOU have insurance..... so then you don't have to worry about, so if you don't have it you're just as stupid as them.

ryguy997 0

but he will have to pay himself and your insurance will to.

alphaomega1986 0

sue him on peoples court! lol

Vanessaxx 0

wow, everyones flipping out about how your supposed to drive. most people speed up at yellows, like me. you guys need to stop telling people how to drive -_-

And thats why "Most people" average one "Accident" per year. Inability to see that they have poor driving habits. Thats why there is a television show called "Canadas worst Driver"

Vanessaxx 0

I live in California, not Canada. &+ I've never been in a accedent before .so [SMD)

YouHaveFailed 0

Op---> U dnt have2worry. the driver behind u is responsibe plus HE/SHE doesnt have insurance. Ur n the safest position possible

CookiesNOJ 0

What if the driver that hit her fled the scene? And what if OP has no insurance? What kind of position does that leave the OP?

monicalynn 0

haaate when people stop for yellow lights.

goatwars 0

I hate when people stop at yellow lights. It means proceed with caution. YDI for stopping. And FYL for the dude not having insurance.

he stoped at a yellow light so it's her fault so she has to pay for his damage since he has no inssurance.

I'm guessing America has a different insurance system to Australia....Otherwise the only way its illegal is if he doesn't have Compulsary Third Party which only covers the other party for medical damages, not damages to their vehicle. And the only way OP would be covered by their insurance is if they had Comprehensive. And 47, I drive for a living as well, and if you're going to sit there and tell me that you have never once sped up a little to get through an orange light I call bullshit. Even the most responsible, law abiding drivers I know have been known to do this from time to time...Because as long as you know its not going to turn red while you're in the intersection, its really not unsafe...there's a delay between one set turning red and the other turning green to try and allow for idiot drivers that run red lights.

spartan_girl 0

I don't honestly know that much about insurance in America (although I have it, I just got what my dad recommended, lol) and I know noting about insurance in Australia- but here's what I do know: in America, it's illegal to drive without insurance, but very easy to do so. In some (maybe all) states you have to show proof of insurance to register your car, but there's nothing stopping people from driving cars without getting them registered (until they get caught), or letting their insurance expire and not paying to renew it. so, when OP says the other driver had no insurance, that probably means he literally had NO insurance, which is illegal, but unless she takes him to court or something, it doesn't really help her that he will have massive fines to pay for driving without insurance. that sucks, OP, because he should have been following at a safe enough distance to stop when you did. hopefully the repairs aren't too expensive!

canyouwangchung 0

why did you stop at a yellow light, they don't mean stop. red is stop yellow is prepare for a light change.