By Anonymous - 15/05/2010 19:41 - United States

Today, I stopped at a yellow light. The guy behind me did not. He had no insurance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 681
You deserved it 6 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

so what's the problem? he's the one that's in deep shit, at least in my country you can go to jail for that, so you can ask him for cash, a lot of it.


BluPenguin 3

YDI for stopping at a yellow light. Idiot.

lickmyjock 0

Sue his butt. I live in Florida as well as you and it's required by law to have insurance. #12: "most" people in Florida don't know how to drive. I'm a good driver (I'm not from Florida) and I can't even tell you how many times I've been near ended because someone was going too fast or texting while driving. I've even had near head on collisions because of people on the phone while driving. I've also driven behind people who go too slow, which happens about 80 percent of the time I'm on the road.

sourgirl101 28

Damn I wish I could argue but most people in Florida are bad drivers especially South Florida. I say a Hail Mary everytime I get behind the wheel. Been in 4 car accidents and too many other close calls. None were my fault.

That's bc 80% of Floridas resident are over 80 years of age lol

cbr600_fml 0

that sucks op I got hit on my motorcycle two days ago and the lady had no insurance too so now I have to fix all the damages my own damn self

hahahah! nice tat :) but why spiders and why your nipple? lmao.

why dident you just liquidate all her property to pay for the repairs

mydesire 5

wow that's a bummer.. sue him

Well, this is when you should be contacting your lawyer, filling a lawsuit, and getting an estimate of how much the damages cost instead of being on FML. Then when that's all said and done the idiot who rear-ended you gets on FML and posts, "Today, I learned that I have to pay blank amount, because I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to drive and I don't have insurance. FML" =) Good luck!

epoh_fml 0

That sounded very wrong until the cupcake pic finally loaded o_o I think I want it too o:

The_good_times 0

Lol, you Americans seem to be pretty oblivious to driving regulations. How can you even say that he deserves it for stopping at a yellow light, yellow=/green, if he stopped it means he was in far enough and going slow enough to be able to stop, in which case he did exactly what he should've done, the driver behind was just not keeping a safe enough distance or not paying attention, the only way it would've been his fault for stopping at the yellow light was if he was really close and going fast when the light turned yellow and he braked very abruptly and unsafely.

CookiesNOJ 0

Here in America we don't praise honest behavior. End of story.

morgan020 0

because parents no longer take the time to teach their children how to drive safely nor do they drive safely themselves. also in the town I live in in Texas our schools no longer offer drivers ed to teach students how to drive or the laws of the road.

RandomHavoc1 13

not all of us, it's mostly the people who don't take drivers ed! D: I'm a (semi) good driver... I'm still young though.

special_Tay 0

yet again I can not relate. maybe someday I will understand your pain, but for now ydi for stopping at a yellow. you need to go back to boating school spongebob!

hanr815 3

Your a ******* idiot. YDI because you're supposed to SLOW DOWN at a yellow light. Not STOP. Someone should take your license. You moron.

RandomHavoc1 13

no. if you can stop, you stop. DID NONE OF THESE PEOPLE TAKE DRIVERS ED IN HIGH SCHOOL?? seriously, I'm amazed at the amount of stupidity here.