By Anonymous - 15/05/2010 19:41 - United States

Today, I stopped at a yellow light. The guy behind me did not. He had no insurance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 681
You deserved it 6 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

so what's the problem? he's the one that's in deep shit, at least in my country you can go to jail for that, so you can ask him for cash, a lot of it.


You completely deserve this. Yellow does not mean stop.

That sucks. And to all the people who say yellow doesn't mean stop, it's drivers like you that cause accidents that are usually fatal. Yellow means slow your ass down and prepare to stop, not blaze through it like an idiot. The OP did right, and the dumbass behind her shouldn't have been following so closely. Rear-ending someone is always that person's fault. And because he had no insurance, he's even more of a dumbass.

not true, if you can stop safely then do so, but theres need to stop to a screeching halt at the change of a yellow light THAT is how you cause accidents as well. as for going through a yellow or really ANYTHINGGGGG while youre driving, how about people pay attention? then there wont be so many accidents.

was this guy an illegal ? perhaps Cuban or Mexican ? if so I bet he also didn't " speak " English .

NotMeh 0

Why stop at yellow when yellow just means to slow down?

meggrifingirl 0

same thing happend to my sister

pretty sure the driver with the no insurance will have to pay for it out of his own pocket. I hate people that drive with no insurance. no insurance, no drive.

Why would you stop at a yellow light? Last time I checked red meant stop. lol

Like I said previously, you, and the others that think so need to check again. Here, Let me Google that for you. "Typically traffic lights consist of a set of three colored lights: red, amber and green. In a typical cycle, * Illumination of the green light allows traffic to proceed in the direction denoted, * Illumination of the amber light denoting if safe to, prepare to stop short of the intersection, and * Illumination of the red signal prohibits any traffic from proceeding." Im not saying this again.

What most of you don't get is that a lot of insurances only cover the OTHER driver. So in a perfect world, the other driver's insurance would pay OP. That's not so in this case. Now OP has to cover the cost of the damages, unless OP has insurance that covers both people.

xitsalwaysmex 0

this is not funny, at all. stupid is more like it.