By Anonymous - 15/05/2010 19:41 - United States

Today, I stopped at a yellow light. The guy behind me did not. He had no insurance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 679
You deserved it 6 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

so what's the problem? he's the one that's in deep shit, at least in my country you can go to jail for that, so you can ask him for cash, a lot of it.


morgan020 0

haha I love how so many of these comments come from kids that have never driven or have taken drivers ed. idk how much state laws differ when it comes to driving but I thought certain things such as the meaning of the color lights would be a universal system across America at least but I guess I'm wrong.

@114 So you have been driving 2 years then. Yay. (Im assuming legal driving age is 16 down there still.) When you have 5+ years without collision, then tell me to Suck it. Till then, you dont have the experience to be bragging to me.

Vanessaxx 0

I'm 19, ao actually 3 years. get yur facts straight. & I'm a great driver actually. so don't talk shit when you don't even know me. k thanks.

Wow, 3 years. Yay. My comment still stands. Probably all of 20,000Km a year too. :rollseyes: Im so impressed.

Vanessaxx 0

And your proving your immaturity and youth in leaps and bounds...

Hey im 19 too, and I gatta say... man. U just owned her in that conversation lol.

synclaire 2

That's my fear every time I stop at a yellow or red light!! I only have liability insurance so I wouldn't get payed for my damages!

OP if you have insurance then the other driver is a lot more effed than you... any sort of car accident does suck though.

penny_darling 0

That happened to me once! Except it was a pregnant woman, so I felt horrible.

This isn't an FML, the OP's insurance (if they have it) will cover the costs and squeeze the money out of the driver at fault.

kelliejellie 3

yellow means go faster! :)

Florida if considered a no fault state which pretty much means your insurance should cover you. Might wanna look into it.