By WhyIHateTeachers - 25/06/2015 03:49 - United States - Ormond Beach

Today, I submitted a poem for my English class. I had fun writing it, so I wrote a second which was not nearly as good. My procrastinator of a friend never did his, so I gave him my extra poem. Mine was given a 75% while "his" received a 93%. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 216
You deserved it 9 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well maybe next time you'll think twice before helping people who don't want to do their own work.

Roses are red Violets are blue Helping your friend Didn't work out for you!


I don't get why all these people are writing "friend" or tell him to turn his friend in, he WILLINGLY gave the work to his friend, expecting it to be turned in. It's his fault just as much as his friend's fault.

And after, the teacher read this FML and understand who it is about and give you 0% to both of you. YDI!

when they expect more of you they mark you lower if its not nobel peace prize worthy but if someone actually did it 80% for them

That's why you hand write them...they'll notice it's your poem due to your handwriting and by that you would get extra credit possibly

Never help a procrastinator it'll only tell them they can depend on you

Been there done that except it was an essay for my boyfriend when he was sick. He needed the good grade more than me though

rldostie 19

It's not fair but many teachers grade based on the student, not the work itself. So if your poem was better than your friends regular work, the teacher might assume he tried harder and gave him a higher grade. The teacher might have a higher standard for you based on your other work and assumed you could do better. Again, it's not fair, but it's often how it's done in middle/high school. Things should get better in college.

Why would you give someone your work anyway? If they want to be lazy and fail, let them be lazy and fail! Isn't giving people your work cheating anyway?

Flamepelt 15

YDI for encouraging your slacker of a friend