By Anonymous - 13/02/2010 07:22 - United States

Today, I switched cell phone carriers and got the plan where you can call or text any five people for free. The employee asked for my five, I could only come up with one, my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 047
You deserved it 5 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mom, Pizza place, brother/sister,grandma,and dog. : )

martic835 2

Please, I go through times in my life where the only people I talk to are my parents. Friends are highly overrated. Luckily I'm at a point where I'm building friendships so I actually need a phone. FYL OP, FYL.


Oh come on, I could think of almost 8 girls off the top of my head including all my other friends.

I'll be glad to be one of your 5. Just call me. my number's in the book. oh, my name? that's in the book too.

Hiropon 0

Make some friends, hun. I promise it'll really help later on~... ._.

Hiropon 0

That goes for the trolls on FML, too. (:

ensemble_coeur 0

holy shit, then go make some friends and stop complaining!

oooh what phone company is that? i want it!!!

mamas boy, that's why you have no friends.

iBramoh 0

being alone is the best thing someday you'll miss it .

ahaha... I don't even have a that plan for a celly phone. but I already got my five ppls I would pick.