By Anonymous - 13/02/2010 07:22 - United States

Today, I switched cell phone carriers and got the plan where you can call or text any five people for free. The employee asked for my five, I could only come up with one, my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 047
You deserved it 5 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mom, Pizza place, brother/sister,grandma,and dog. : )

martic835 2

Please, I go through times in my life where the only people I talk to are my parents. Friends are highly overrated. Luckily I'm at a point where I'm building friendships so I actually need a phone. FYL OP, FYL.


Mx_Rider 6

so besides this fml..... theres alot of hot girls here :D ftw.

harrypotterfan12 0

u honestly cant come up with ANY? i could come with five right now: Teagan, Taylor, Lina, Ryan, Ethan..... im 13

Exactly, you ARE 13. Your world consists of frenemies and people you passionately love one day and passionately hate the next. Just because you can name five people doesn't mean you are capable of mostly quality friendships right now, it just means you are 13 and can name five people who are like totally ur bffs this month, or if you're really "consistent", this school year.

Mx_Rider 6
MF12 0

hey now when I was 12 I had at least 8 friends who were my best friends for 4-5 years

boatkicker 4

I'm still close with most of the people I was friends with when I was 13. I'm engaged to one, two others are my best friends. I was a pretty anti-social kid, and only had 5 friends. I'm still in touch with the fourth one, and the last one? Well, she was a bitch and when she openly admitted to just hanging out with me cause my dad would buy her things, I stopped speaking with her. I also asked my dad to stop buying things for my friends.

harrypotterfan12 0

i agree with #16 and #54. go get a girlfriend and a life. epic fail

boatkicker 4

If you're talking about the T-mobile plan, they don't usually program in your 5 for you. You can do it yourself on the phone. You should have just said "I don't know their numbers of the top of my head" and been done with it. I know there's another company who does it too, so maybe they do it for you. And don't sweat it. I don't have all 5 of mine filled in, either.

bwbabe09 0

Idc if this FML is fake, i think it's cute :) And I don't think I could come up with 5 people either, because I barely talk to the same 5 people a day!

xxxNataliexxx 0

Yeah the op is using t-mobile because my friend uses t-mobile and she got 5 people to add to her favorites so she can get calls/text messages for free but she adds people by herself

hellfire1318 0

T-Mobile doesn't have the 5-favorite plans anymore. The only thing close would be AT&T's A-list, but even then it's not the same. Not to mention the fact that you add your favorites yourself, as everyone else has been saying. Fake, period.

zapp_fml 0

T-mobile actually still does have face five cause I just got it added to my plan.