By rollergirl13 - 11/01/2014 05:55 - United States - Fairbanks

Today, I texted my boyfriend of two years and asked if he wanted to go to ball with me. His response was "The person you are trying to message cancelled their phone service and moved to Mexico. Taco taco burrito." I'll take that as a no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 186
You deserved it 5 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either he was joking or that's nacho boyfriend anymore.

JMichael 25

Your boyfriend sounds like a prick.


He was probably joking and you guys probably did go together

I'm not normally a grammar nazi but its the ball not ball, unless your talking about a sphere it's the ball.

that was horrendously immature of him.

Maybe he was looking for a more creative invitation. Funny how we expect guys to go all out and ask us in a creative way to a dance, but it's alright for you to just text him...

MissesVakarian 6
Labrynthian 6

That sucks. You deserve better. You're probably a lot better off without someone like that.

He's an idiot, but at least he's a funny idiot.

Dump his ass, you don't deserve to be treated that way.