By rollergirl13 - 11/01/2014 05:55 - United States - Fairbanks

Today, I texted my boyfriend of two years and asked if he wanted to go to ball with me. His response was "The person you are trying to message cancelled their phone service and moved to Mexico. Taco taco burrito." I'll take that as a no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 186
You deserved it 5 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either he was joking or that's nacho boyfriend anymore.

JMichael 25

Your boyfriend sounds like a prick.


jdf2 10

There is something wrong with your boyfriend. If any girl even if it wasn't my girlfriend/crush asked me to go somewhere with them I would say yes. Of course if I had a girlfriend I would ask my girlfriend if it's ok so I do t make her jealous. To me that's just the polite thing to do...

If he always acts that dumb you should let him go.

Sounds like a dick but he does watch south park so ya. Call him and ask him WTF see what is going on.

sarahbevan20 11

I'm laughing so hard right now. A simple no would have sufficed, I'm sure, but his response was hilarious either way!

That sucks! But I agree you should forget him

Hypnotic5206 10

ditch that ******* dick. I've had enough of girls being in relationships that goes 1 way; the way the guy cums.

How do you know he wrote the reply himself? It could quite easily be one of his "friends" playing with his phone. I've had "friends" who would do that. It would kinda suck if you let some third party ruin your relationship with a prank like that.

I actually thought that it was a smart way to decline an invitation. Besides he inspired you to FML 'bout it, OP!