By rollergirl13 - 11/01/2014 05:55 - United States - Fairbanks

Today, I texted my boyfriend of two years and asked if he wanted to go to ball with me. His response was "The person you are trying to message cancelled their phone service and moved to Mexico. Taco taco burrito." I'll take that as a no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 186
You deserved it 5 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either he was joking or that's nacho boyfriend anymore.

JMichael 25

Your boyfriend sounds like a prick.


"Fulfill all your wishes with my taco-flavored kisses! Taco taco"

Dump his immature ass and find yourself a real man who'll proudly display you. I don't understand why females put up with guys who'll only give them affection in private but out in public act as if they aren't even together. My parents have been together for 30 years and they still hold hands in public. That is what females should concentrate on finding.

That's a couple of idiotic assumptions to make about a guy because he didn't want to go to a goddamn ball.

squideth 18

Stop ******* calling women "females", it's unbelievably degrading.

beaverteaser 16
Epikouros 31

Before you dump him: does your bf have a brother that likes to play pranks?

jefrey 9

speeddy Gonsalez yeeehhhaaaaaa!! andale andale arriba arriba yeeeehhhaaaaa!!!

Art408 5

That wasn't even clever. That just straight up sucked.

Ins0mau 20

I feel that FML once had a sense of humour, Judging by the responses here and elsewhere, it appears that's no longer the case. The only comedy here consists of lame comments with disclaimers of irony. P.S OP's boyfriend was joking.

flashback_fml 14