By okay._. - 01/11/2012 07:54 - United States - Marysville

Today, I texted my boyfriend saying that I couldn't wait for him to get home and see my costume, and that I had dressed up as a naked lady. He texted back asking if I could dress up as someone who was making dinner instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 506
You deserved it 7 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bladomas 2

why not both? serve him while naked

I think you took him too literally, OP. Guys are crazy about the kinky cook. Just put on an apron, start cooking, and pasta might not be the only thing on the menu. ;)


doglover100 28

These ones remind me of movies that's the only time someone is serious when they talk like that. If your S/O is really honestly like that and he TRULY meant that.. In my opinion it's time to leave. But if I had to guess he was being facetious

_TheAtheist_ 10

To all the feminist tweens commenting: the text was clearly an attempt at some light hearted humor. I could easily imagine doing the same to my girlfriend, but I would never treat her like she exists to serve me. Lighten up.

Dress up as the UPS person and ship his belongings elsewhere.

I would've replied back "no, but you can dress up as a guy sleeping on the couch". Lol

If he's hungry, then it's not going anywhere! Low blood sugar definitely doesn't help romance ;)

And this is the part where you reply back with something witty... My boyfriend will say that crap to me and I reply back with something even wittier which cracks him up. Oh and he's making us dinner right now soooo it looks like I'm doing something right

Gotta love the attitude that a guy is an asshole when not in the mood. And that it's okay for him to be pressured into sex. But if you switch those circumstances the guy pressuring for sex is an inconsiderate douche.

Every year I look for a girl to do tht for me