By thisreallysucks2 - 23/03/2009 02:15 - United States

Today, I texted my boyfriend to see if he wanted to finally have sex today. His response was "Can't, Platinum just came out." I didn't know what that meant so I searched "Platinum 3-22-2009" on Google. I found out he's talking about a new Pokémon game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 128 709
You deserved it 24 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tipsybeaver 0

In his defense, that game is awesome.


Fuck34 0

Wow, that's pathetic. There is no game on the planet that is worth turning down perfectly good sex. Oh yea...and when he's over that, you should cut him off.

It bothers me when people have that whole 'he'd rather do ____ than ____ with you? dump him!' attitude. His whole life can't be about you, and it's not his fault that he's excited about the game. It would distract him from being able to fully concentrate on having sex, too, and since it's the first time for the two of you I'm sure he also wants it to be perfect.

poke_master 0

Haha, that is pretty great.

In his defense, Pokemon Platinum is the epitome of awesomeness. I'm playing it right now. ^_^

you deserved this for ASKING your boyfriend if he wanted to have sex with you, especially via text message. either get up the balls to ask in person when you're getting it on, or just let it happen!

ladybeatle 0

As a female who thoroughly enjoys sex...#37 and #75 all the way. And boys love video games, btw. It's like...if your favorite store just opened up in a local mall and you made plans with a friend to go shopping that day...I guess. Would you ditch the plans to have sex with your boyfriend? Hopefully not.

Why is it that whenever a woman doesn't want to have sex we're all supposed to respect her decision but if a guy doesn't want to have sex it's an FML for his girlfriend? Not every guy wants to have sex ALL THE TIME, there are plenty of other things we enjoy doing. He'll be bored with Platinum in a day or two and it'll all go back to normal.