By thisreallysucks2 - 23/03/2009 02:15 - United States

Today, I texted my boyfriend to see if he wanted to finally have sex today. His response was "Can't, Platinum just came out." I didn't know what that meant so I searched "Platinum 3-22-2009" on Google. I found out he's talking about a new Pokémon game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 128 709
You deserved it 24 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tipsybeaver 0

In his defense, that game is awesome.


****! I knew I forgot to get something on Sunday! Yes I am 19, yes I am a girl and hell yes I still play pokemon. There was and still is alot of hype around Platinum, give it a few weeks and it will go down. But if a remake of pokemon gold and silver comes out then say bye bye to sex for months. Also pokemon is Nintendo, you never mess with Nintendo.

loopy_fml 0

That's what you get for dating a 12 year old.

bexox 0

Omg... it would be one thing if he didn't want to b/c he wasn't ready or whatev... but seriously, pokemon?!?! That's sad! Oh, and if my bf texted me saying that, I would tell him to be naked by the time I got there, btw. ;) Pokemon over sex... what is the world coming to?

My first thought was "what, is he 10?" Then I started thinking about it. you're rather lucky to have a guy who loves you for more than just the sex. Yes, he chose a video game over sex with you, but, if you think about it, he's really saying "I want to give you my full and undivided attention, this is more than just calisthenics." Give him some time, wait for the newness of the game to wear off, and see what a gamer can do when he's giving his full attention to something.

So what you're saying is you just saved 3 disappointing minutes of your life that you would never get back? High Five!

I know adult women who still play pokemon.. what ever rocks their boat i say. I would pick Starcraft 2 over sex, sex is great but it aint everything!

That shit is whack, everyone knows you're supposed to bang first, then eat some awesome food, then play video games if you want a perfect day.

hahahahahahahah @ #100 that was great XD She never said anything about making him wait, most of you guys are jumping to huge conclusions without knowing anything other than she wanted to have sex and he wanted to play his video game first. However.. You can't expect to be like "I want sex now." and him just drop everything and come satisfy you. Also, guys see things like video games in a more important light than girls do. I've come to accept that guys want to play video games and if I bitch about it they're going to leave me for nagging them and trying to force myself on them all the time. Not good