By Anonymous - 06/09/2012 01:34 - Canada

Today, I told a girl that she had very pretty eyes. I then had to rinse pepper spray from my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 928
You deserved it 2 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch. At least you were being kind :) sorry to hear about your eyes

A100893 30

I guess you didn't see eye to eye.


Aww , how rude . Some people automaticallyy think everyone who says something nice is a rapist . I hope your eyes feel better !

some people can't take compliments our are expecting a trick if they get complimented. sorry that happined to you

Bludmagnus 13

Nah... feminism hasn't gone too far... No...

whenever I see a clever comment, I just loudly say "HEAHH" and move on

Did she call you a mysogonistic pig afterwards

you could file charges for assault with a weapon