By Anonymous - 06/09/2012 01:34 - Canada

Today, I told a girl that she had very pretty eyes. I then had to rinse pepper spray from my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 928
You deserved it 2 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch. At least you were being kind :) sorry to hear about your eyes

A100893 30

I guess you didn't see eye to eye.


andthepennydrops 6

**then runs away, laughing maniacally*

I've been kicked in the nuts for that but never pepper spray that's rough

If you ever see her again knock her teeth out.

Yeaaaah, there must be more to the story! Were you spying on her? Did you pop out of the bushes? stalk her on facebook?

You're blaming the victim. I bet when your friend comes to you crying about being raped you say: Yeaaaah, there must be more to the story! Were you flirting with him? Did you flash him your bush? Send him sexy messages on Facebook?

I feel sorry for both the young man and young woman in the story. I will say that I have gone to the other side of the street when approaching women late at night for fear of making them uncomfortable - thus making me uncomfortable for posing no threat but being worried about the outcome of appearing to be one in the woman's eyes.


aw she obviously can't take a compliment

wubbazugg 5

Yet more reasons why guys just can't randomly compliment girls anymore. Stupid bitches.

What a ******* 8itch. I'm really sorry to hear that. ::::(

How do we know he wasn't being creepy when he said that? You're eyes are so pretty... can I have them?