By Anonymous - 10/09/2013 13:23 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I told a guy he should be ashamed of himself for parking in a handicapped space. He hit me with his prosthetic leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 005
You deserved it 96 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pataplop 23

You two clearly started off on the wrong foot.

Seriously? Why would you judge someone like that?


That's what you get for being so nosey. Worry about yourself

InfernoVivo 12


I think that's a sign to mind your own business you douche!

sinktheswim 6

Whats wrong with you dont judge people you deserve to get beat severly with it

YOU should be ashamed of yourself for being a judgmental twatwaffle with your nose where it doesn't belong. With the plethora of comments with the same idea, I hope you understand and reevaluate what you think is acceptable behavior.

Sodapop40 21

I hate judgemental people like you. You don't know the full story, so don't open your big mouth.

He his handicapped OP, YOU should be ashamed for even thinking of that.

YOU should be ashamed of yourself for not minding your own damn business

YDI for judging people like that. douche