By MGZ - 19/10/2009 02:33 - United States

Today, I told my 13 year-old daughter that she was grounded from using her phone. Later on, I get an important call regarding a job that I have been after. After I'd picked up the phone, my daughter starts screaming, "HELP! RAPE! HELP!" on the other phone. I don't think I'll be getting the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 395
You deserved it 8 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noshitsherlock 0

WOW. Since it was so ******* important (HELLO, JOB), you should punish her by making her live off of the bare minimum for at least a month - NO CELL PHONE AT ALL, basic shitty food, no new clothes, etc.

wow. you have a really messed up daughter.


lmao reading everyone's reason on why a 13 year old needs a phone is pathetic. They must be tweens themselves. I am sorry but finding out what to wear so you match with your bf or best friend tomorrow, finding out if you heard that so and so likes you because another so and so heard from another so and so from another so and so who just so happens to hang out with so and so who happened to let it slip out of their mouth, texting to your friends during a class or even phone sex doesn't classify as important. She's 13, shes not driving so there really is NO REASON why she should have a cell phone. Calling a parent a bad mother for taking away a cell phone makes you look like a jackass. Oh please, I was 13 once, cell phones are more of an accessory not an emergency (although I can see why some of you would mix that up because they both end in Y's) Being a bad parent would be giving the little brat's cell phone back after screaming rape while she was searching for a job. Jobs are hard to come by as it is and now you got a little shit head screaming Rape? If that was my child not only would I take the cell phone away but I would make my husband take her out back where she would literally watch him slam a hammer or an axe into her phone. I would than make her clean up the mess and tell her that she better find a way to pay the last two months of her cell phone bill because I sure as hell won't be able to "afford" it since I lost that potential job. If she thinks its fml my life she would be dead wrong, it would be fml her life

SoberMuch 0

Haha damnn. I woulda beat her ass. If i did that while my parents was on tha phone. I woulda got smacked to half way to tha philippines. You shoulda beat her asss. Shes 13, thats old enough. lmao.

Ground her. Take her phone away, or better yet get rid of it. Smash with a hammer right in front of her. A cellphone isn't a necessity, she'll be fine without it.

You're obviously a spoiled, retard brat, too. Wait till you hit the real world. If she gets raped, the first thing they'd do is knock away/break the phone. It wouldn't help. She wouldn't have time by the time she was getting raped, you know. Cheating is NOT beneficial, because she doesn't learn by it, she gets freebie answers, and it teaches her she doesn't HAVE to learn... which she does, or her life will be shitty. No doubt, dumbass. If you're grounded, you typically can't use the phone and it doesn't matter if you're bored- you're being punished for wrong-doing. Also, there are house phones, visits, letters, and many other means of communication that don't involve phone. And she's not 16/17, so how is that a reason a 13 year old would need a phone? And, again, she could use a HOUSE PHONE or... y'know, not be late. "ou also are more productive in society, more successful, and more prepared for school or work." No, you're more distracted, dangerous while driving, more able to cheat, and use cell phones to spread drama. It doesn't help society, you, or your school/work life to have a stupid phone. "In addition, you stay more connected to your society around you, as well as friends and family and love life." Actually, technology has caused a greater rift in society. Yes, we talk more, but we are more impersonal, and therefore less connected, and connected on a much more shallow basis, as opposed to a deep connection... and that is a fact. Cellphone's have only become widespread in the last.. oh, 6-8 years, I'd say. What did people do before then? People still thrived in school, people still had lots of close friends, still hung out, still did things, still managed to stay alive, and without the distraction of texting and getting online during class. Also, computers aren't necessary for school. At least, home computers are not. If computers are necessary for school, the school must make sure that access is available to computers at the school or elsewhere (public library, school library, school computer lab, teacher's room, etc). And maybe she was grounded from the phone for a good reason- like sending risque' pictures, for questionable texts, or going over her bill... in which case the punishment fits the crime exactly. In any case, she's being punished for her own good. She's having something bad happen, for doing something bad. You're a stupid bitch for arguing fallacious logic and citing your ignorant opinions as facts. Please, go die, before you have a chance to reproduce and spread your stupid.

I hope you beat that bitch's face in. Stupid drama *****.

Shut off her cell phone service. When she asks why, "Tell her that you didn't get the job because of her little stunt and that because of that, you can no longer pay for her cell phone service." Your daughter is a ****. My condolences.

1. Tell your husband. 2. Make her volunteer for rape victims (like what #22 said) 3. Tell her that you've lost your job and etc and have to cut low and that you'll have to sell her phone, and some other valuables that she's attatched to since your daughter probably has waayy more expensive stuff than you do) 4. Take all her data and make a copy of it for later evidence (like what #152 said) 5. Ground her for at least another two years. 6. (optional) Beat the living shit out of her, choose her classes for her or send her to a counseler, make her get a job, give her afternoon classes and don't let her attend any school dances or social gatherings, or move to a really cheap apartment and go really cheap. If I did this, I wouldn't be alive today. My Asian parents would beat the shit out of me, and probably make me pay for my own college tuition. Really, you need to exercise discipline a lot more. Double it. Rape is something that one shouldn't joke about, it's a terrible thing. Best thing that you could do is take away her phone for good. If she wants one, she'll have to buy one. I didn't need one until I had afterschool activities, but those were mainly dances, but I knew where the payphone was so I didn't really need a phone. If you don't let her go to the afterschool activities, then problem solved. Take her to Kumon, SAT/AP cram classes, extracurricular classes that are no fun, etc and she'll probably learn this lesson.

Edit: If she wants to use the internet, make her go to a public library. I had to once since I got banned from my computer for chatting with my friends and I understood that I shouldn't do so.

Umm... What is wrong with chatting with your friends in your PC?

Chocolate_Chunk 2

you get terrible cramps from trying to get into it

I don't know people are criticizing the OP for giving her daughter a cell phone. In the "olden days", there were pay phones, more public transit, and people in general were more trustworthy. Especially if the OP is a single parent, I 100% agree with the choice to give her daughter a phone. HOWEVER, the daughter is proving that she is not mature enough for it. The OP should make it clear to the daughter that the phone is a privilege, not a right. I would take it away for at least a month, or put her on a pre-pay phone (cheaper, too) where she can only dial emergency numbers. She should have her privileges taken away until she proves she is responsible enough for them.

People weren't more trustworthy in the olden days. Crime has been on the decline for decades. It's just on the news a lot more, because it sells. "If it bleeds, it leads", remember? IMHO, OP should, in the view of the child, destroy her mobile phone. Or sell it. She lost a job, a source of income, after all.

Sorry, but you are obviously a ******* spoiled brat too. Besides, the only reason any one would need a phone would be if they had afterschool activities like soccer, softball, etc. And if she knew when to call for actual rape, I'd doubt that she'd scream rape in the first place. Plus, rapists tend to knock out their victims first and take their phones away. -.-" And cheating. Really? More reason to take away the phone. As for contacting friends; I think that the Internet is the best way nowadays. Plus, texting costs a lot more. And kids already get enough time to talk to their friends during brunch, lunch, before school, etc. And no one has ever NEEDED a cellphone, like air to humans. If we did, then humans would be long dead. I think that there was another FML where two girls that were denied of an iPod Touch told their mother that their father was cheating on her, when the reality was that he was far from that and got divorced.