By MGZ - 19/10/2009 02:33 - United States
Same thing different taste
It's not what you think!
By Anonymous - 05/08/2021 14:01
By GumStickExtraGmail - 14/09/2017 17:30 - United States - Arvada
By Anonwymous - 18/10/2009 10:16 - United Kingdom
By yourebeautiful - 31/12/2011 20:37 - United States
By birdisnottheword - 11/03/2015 13:55 - Canada - Edmonton
Love and hate
By bad mom? lol - 22/04/2022 06:00
Where are you?
By Anonymous - 14/04/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom
By momlife - 28/03/2016 20:45 - Canada - Ajax
Thanks mom
By Anonymous - 27/01/2017 00:00
By jakeson12 - 24/11/2012 00:38 - United Kingdom - Dundee
Top comments
Quite hillarious actually. but honestly, your complaining to us? the funny thing is, i didnt hear the part where you beat her ass like crazy and ran the phone over.????? please tell me you at least knocked the shit out of her? 13 and pullin shit like that????? hmmmmmm someone needs a whip for xmas!!! and whoever said that was a resoanble reaction, should be beat along with her!
QUICKLY! She's not too old for you to beat her ass!
kick her ass
Really? A cell phone at 13? Does she really need one? I doubt she'll be going anywhere at that age that doesn't have a public phone to use. When I was 13, the only outings I had were going over to a friend's house. When she gets a car or has friends who have cars, then maybe get a cell phone then. A phone at 13 is just ridiculous.
Remind her that mommy can't /pay/ for the cell phone bill without a job, which means she'll be more than /grounded/ from it, it will be non-existent. Then smash it with a hammer. ;) (I would like to note, however, that I don't find anything wrong with a thirteen year old having a cell phone, if the thirteen year old in question is mature enough. Even a few years back, at thirteen, my schedule was hectic enough that I needed a phone so that my parents could keep track of the different events/meets/practices/etc. I was at, and having a phone reduces the stress of a lot of situations.)
You grounded your daughter for talking on her own cell phone!? What the heck, you give her a phone and ground her for using it? smooth.
LMFAO!!!!!!!! or better yet why not verizon---theres a map for that too. lmao pun FAIL . but anyways I think the right thing to do in cases such as these would be to either 1. render the phone useless by doing what another commenter said such as canceling applications such as texting and web browsing and making it so that the only person she can call is either the cops or a parent figure OR 2. cancel the whole cell phone plan altogether and then pawn off other expensive items that she has because the salary of the job offer that she lost was to pay for the bills for all those things. also since she cried rape I think the OP should sign her up for a volunteering system for women who were actually abused or raped so that she can truly see the effect of her actions. or if you feel it necessary send her to a disciplinary camp over the summer where she is shut off from all distractions and can fully understand the consequences of what she has done. as for the useless cellphone arguments: no comment. as for the people who say she was wrong to punish her for USING her cellphone when that was what she bought the cell phone for: did you even consider WHAT SHE USED the cellphone for? what if she used the cellphone to send naked texts of herself to a certain boyfriend? or what if she kept on prank calling others and they started to complain to her mother? or what if she ran over the bill yet again and her mom chose to reprimand her for it after previous warnings? THINK before you TYPE! ignorant motherfuckers!
I'm a thirteen year old girl, and I must say I deeply hate phones. But.. saying she's a bitch? That's ridiculous. Then again, we don't know the whole story, but.. She made me laugh with the 'rape' stunt, mostly because that's the sort of thing I do to my father (only as a joke, of course- I'd never do that with other people listening.. mostly because it would be a stupid idea that could end badly.)
This is YDI. I'm sick and tired of parents too scared to discipline their kids. Let's look at this situation: I am 17. When I was younger (4-12-ish) I got spanked when I was even a little bad. If I cursed, I got a whap with a wooden spoon and sent to my room, sometimes for up to an hour. If I didn't do something I was told, I would lose a lot of priveleges - First, TV (Hey, Rocko's Modern Life was enough to keep me behaved pretty well) Then, as the games came out, All Pokemon priveleges (Always a winner. If my mother even threatened to take away my Pokemon Red I would turn into a whipped little bitch (As kids should be.) As I got older, and my offences got worse, my punishments got worse. No physically, those were never severe. (Wooden spoon across the ass a few times FTW!) But, I would be grounded. This entailed: In my room all day, all night. Straight to school, straight home. No dawdling, no friends houses on the way. Once at home, straight to my room, straight to homework. Once it's done... nothing. No Phone (Cell or Land), no TV, NO INTERNET =o (This one was always a pretty good way to make me behave) no iPod. ONLY allowed out of my room for bathroom breaks and occasional snacks (No treats: chocolate, ice cream, etc.) Now, look at how I turned out. I am a RESPECTFUL kid. I understand that my Mother has every right to tell me what to do, and have no problem complying with her rules. (They include a 10:00 curfew on weeknights, 1:00 on weekends, keeping on top of schoolwork, just the usual parent stuff) This is becasue I was disciplined as a kid, and was taught that parents should be respected. I also LOVE my mother with all my heart. She is a friend of mine, and I actually keep her informed about what goes on in my life (Be it with boys, drinking, other illegal pastimes, problems bothering me... OP, don't you want that from your daughter?) Tl;Dr 17yr old girl who respects and loves her mom tells OP that the secret is correct discipline. ground as such: -In room all day. Allowed out for snacks, meals and washroom breaks. -Take away ALL phone priveleges (cell and land line) -Take away iPod and any other fancy technological junk she may have. -NO INTERNET. -Straight home from school, no dawdling, and once home straight into room. For what she did, I would say two weeks of this would work on this spoiled, rotten brat of yours. Mind you, I only ever had two weeks once, and I stayed out until 5am (No drinking, no drugs, no party. Me and two friends lost track of time)
that was the biggest load of bullshit EVER. Wow.
WOW. Since it was so ******* important (HELLO, JOB), you should punish her by making her live off of the bare minimum for at least a month - NO CELL PHONE AT ALL, basic shitty food, no new clothes, etc.
wow. you have a really messed up daughter.