By Whatswrongwithme? - 03/11/2013 09:57 - United Kingdom

Today, I told my girlfriend I loved her. She left and never came back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 789
You deserved it 5 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then it's probably for the best, because it was never gonna work out after all


It's better than hearing it then her walking out on you later

jonahwalzer 12

Don't be upset, she sounds like a bitch...

Somebody's not ready for a commited relationship

Are you Ted from how I met your mother?

Well she's not the one,champ! Move on

She'll come back around...just needs a bit of time to tell her family or/and friends...

BAD END. Not really. I feel for you, guy. But it may be for the best if she's that immature. Perhaps, though, she needs some time. But if you really do love her enough, I'd say don't give up on her just yet. Relationships should be fixed, not replaced. Good luck!

Um what if they have been dating for only a week? How is she being immature then? OP never said how long they were dating

Very true, but just like every other fml you read, you'll never know both sides of the story.

I wish we could like comments more than once because #55 deserves it!