By Whatswrongwithme? - 03/11/2013 09:57 - United Kingdom

Today, I told my girlfriend I loved her. She left and never came back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 789
You deserved it 5 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then it's probably for the best, because it was never gonna work out after all


Depends on how long you were in the relationship. If it was after a really short time, days, really, I wouldn't blame her.

same. it took me a year to know I was truly in love. saying it before then would have been a lie.

pwnman 33

I don't think she classified you as her date or boyfriend..

Are you Ted Mosby? In all seriousness though, sorry, dude... That sucks... Silver lining? She didn't love you back if she left you like that. Saves you the trouble of finding out later down the road.

TheDrifter 23

See what happens? You let them know how much you care, but the first time you leave the basement door unlocked they escape.

That doesn't apply to all girlfriends or boyfriends though.

If you lock them in the basement then yes. There is a pretty good likelihood that they will run far far away... :-)

a blessing in disguise. don't worry about it

My girlfriend told me she loved me yesterday so I feel sorry for you

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

59-- don't be an ass. 20--I'm sorry if you weren't ready. . everyone has their own time when it comes to falling in love. communicate that to your significant other... after all, communication is everything!

She left... u... well now u know she wasn't perfect for u..

luckyone365 7

U isn't a word. Learn English.

She's not a girl you should be in a relationship with. Be with someone who loves you back instead of being with one who uses you.

Better now than months or years down the line... sorry OP.