By Whatswrongwithme? - 03/11/2013 09:57 - United Kingdom

Today, I told my girlfriend I loved her. She left and never came back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 789
You deserved it 5 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then it's probably for the best, because it was never gonna work out after all


Its hard to say either way seeing as how OP never said how long they were dating for if he said it with in the first week then her response isnt out of hand however if they have been dating a while not so unusual for him to say that it really depends

As a girl who has run away and never come back at an 'I love you'.. FYL, OP. You freaked her out yea but that level of rejection is harsh.

an3ph 20

You lost someone who didn't love you. She lost someone who loved her. Who came out ahead?

friedbunnies 9

I am so sorry. I know it must hurt right now, but you will get past this with time. You will find someone who truly loves you and wants to be with you. Be patient, it will happen =)

Nothing more cowardly than running away

Same thing happened to me OP, except mine told me she loved me too. Then two weeks later she refused to talk to me because her abusive ex was threatening to kill himself if she did.