By My_Cow_kiM - 28/04/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, I told my mom I'm severely allergic to my cat and that the doctor told me it would be best to get rid of the cat. Somewhat jokingly, I told her it was either me or the cat. She chose the cat. She was serious too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 454
You deserved it 5 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you're a minor and still going to school, that's sad but if you're like 30, living at home and paying no rent... clearly the cat should win it all depends...

#3 that's ****** up. You can't make people choose over two things they love. Most of the time it will backfire at the person saying it.


I've heard this at least 15 times in my life.

OP said it as a joke, I'd say that to my mother at any given time, it's normal in a normal conversation as a side joke, meaningless though, but when the mother replies like that? That's called being a bitch.. No mother should pick (and in ur case, seriously) the cat over her own son/daughter, not even anything in the world.. Her fault, I'd say YLIF if I hadn't seen that one on the site before.. so I call BS

acro_actress95 0

Okay to everyone saying they would choose their cat. If your son/daughter came over to you and told you they were severly allergic to the family pet and then while "JOKING" around (

acro_actress95 0

shoot sorry about my last post it was too long aparently. I hate how it doesn't warn you before you post it on the website :~|

@ 17 The OP said "severely allergic". Sometimes taking allergy medication doesn't always cut it. I have a severe cat allergy and there are times, even with extra strength meds that my throat will close up and I can barely breathe anymore. So it's understandable that the doctor might suggest getting rid of the cat.

LaLaLaurenn 0

youre an idiot. just because youre a whiney little jerk doesnt give you the right to get rid of what sounds like a family pet. you said "my cat" but if it really was yours you a) wouldnt want to get rid of it and b) wouldnt be asking your MOMMY.

I want age limitations on FML. This is most likely an early teen who joked "me or the cat". When the family pet is an allergen to one person, that person takes allergy meds. I don't think OP was kicked out of the house. He joked, "me or the cat." Mom joked, "the cat." OP decided to put it on FML along with people who have terminal illnesses and dissolving marriages because OP and the other children who stretch and bend the truth to post on this site are idiots.