By jkbeynon - 03/03/2013 04:18 - United States - Canyon Country

Today, I told my mom that I heard something, and I think we have rats in the attic and should hire an exterminator. She looked at me and said, "Rats, huh? That's what the mom in The Exorcist thought, but it turned out to be the devil living up there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 812
You deserved it 3 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How ridiculous. Everyone knows that the Devil lives in the basement.

Oh man! I can't believe your mom ratted out the devils hiding spot!


xeka 10

How is this even considered an "FML"? ...

monnanon 13

maybe its your mums high school bf or does that only happen on the simpsons

That must have made you feel so much more safer.

I wish my mom would say cool things like that

yaoifreak 8

I'd be scared to even walk to the bathroom if my mom said

I bet somewhere there exists someone who is both an exterminator and an exorcist

Preponderancy 2

@77 The rates for exorcist plumbers will be expensive sadly.