By non believer - 23/09/2010 06:08 - United States

Today, I told my parents I no longer believe in the religion they strictly raised me under. They responded by kicking me out of the house. I'm broke, jobless, and the only person that will take me in is my psycho ex-girlfriend who never got over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 619
You deserved it 16 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm all for standing up for one's beliefs, but if you knew your parents were that strict on their own, you should have at least waited until you were financially stable to say anything.

Tweety122888 0

I'm sorry op. stand up in what you believe no matter what. word of advice sleep with one eye open. lol good luck.


So you thought it would be a good idea to piss off the people who feed you and give you a place to live? You should punch yourself in the balls until you can't reproduce.

Beggars can't be choosers my friend. Just kidding! We are not friends! Don't rock the boat!!!!

this is why you don't come out of the closet to psychos until you are financially stable. **** your parents but you did bring this on yourself.

ohthebloodygore 16

102, I was 'kicked' out of my house at age 16. Not an excuse.

Mars_Bars_Big_Na 0

well at least uve got faith :D o wait, nevermind

tell your parents religion is like a penis it's not something I want shoved down my throat!

If I was unemployed and had to live with my parents, and they said I had to go to church every sunday with them, and pray before eating, bet your behind, I be doing that stuff. There are things my parents believe in that I do not, but I don't tell them that either, and they know I don't, but its nothing that gets between us

mella622 0

organized religion is ****** UP! see what it made your parents do? you are right in opposing what they believe in. good for you!