By IMSERIOUS - 22/01/2014 19:23 - United States - Anaheim

Today, I told my parents I was thinking about joining the army. They looked at each other and laughed for about 10 minutes straight. I wasn't joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 994
You deserved it 5 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they were laughing to hide their worries?

Thinking and doing are two different things. Show them what you're really made of!


joeland87 3

Well I thought about the army. Dad said "Son you're ******* high." And I thought "Yeah there's a first for everything." So I took my old mans advice.

did they laugh thinking you couldn't make it or thinking they (and you) were toogood for it? -US Army Paratrooper