By BeforeItWasCool - 30/09/2012 09:30 - United Kingdom

Today, I took a pregnancy test. I was disappointed it was negative, as my fiancé and I have been together for four years and have a strong relationship. He danced with happiness when he discovered the test was negative and tried to high-five me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 500
You deserved it 27 251

BeforeItWasCool tells us more.

BeforeItWasCool 12

Wow this seems to have been misinterpreted! It was unplanned, I was entirely surprised by it. We hadn't planned on kids- if it had been positive it would have been an accident. I was just quite happy to have such a nice surprise even if it did turn out to be negative. I was quite disappointed it was negative, not because I've been secretly trying to get pregnant, but because I was pleasantly surprised. It just seems my fiancé was a little too enthusiastic about the negative result.

Top comments

perdix 29

If he's your fiancé for four years, that means he's still not ready to commit. A baby would probably force him to marry you, something he's been avoiding for years.

cradle6 13

^Nailed it. From the wording of the FML, it seems like OP wants to get pregnant without her fiancee's consent. And if that's true, what the hell is wrong with you OP?! Just because you have a "strong relationship" doesn't mean he wants kids. Furthermore, if he doesn't want kids and you do, do NOT get married to him. Those irreconcilable differences.


AzKoldAzICE 3

YDI if you didn't tell him you wanted a baby. You can't spring stuff like that on people.

Gemini_Jordan 0

First of all you should be married. Second of all you "fiance" should share the same views on starting a family.

Sadly all the YDI's are because people kept thinking that OP was purposely trying to get pregnant behind the bf's back.

He's obviously not ready for kids. And he may not ever be ready. I think it's time for you two to re-evaulate what you both want out of life, and if it doesn't match on bigs things like having children, then you probably won't have a successful marriage.

Relationships not too strong it?

r u serious? your not even married yet, y wld u wanna have kids soo soon? and i dated a guy and it was fine the first 5 years till i found out he had 6 other gfs but to him i was his #1.., dnt ever b too quick

well geeze, sorry to say but that's an asshole!!! do you still wanna get married and have kids with him?