By Casey - 11/06/2009 12:59 - France

Today, I took a test as part of a job requirement. I took a sip from a bottle of juice, and the lady leading the test gave me a warning. I tried to explain that if I didn't, I would faint. She took the bottle and hid it. 15 minutes later I collapsed. She thought I was faking. I'm hypoglycemic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 260
You deserved it 4 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. One on hand, you really should have said "I'm hypoglycemic," instead of just saying that you would faint. But on the other.. Taking juice away on a job test from somebody that claims that they'd faint... She should be getting in trouble for that. Hope you got the job!

crowdish 0

wtf? what a bitch! well maybe now they'll give you the job because they feel so bad. that is if you still want it!


Shizden 0

You could have cheated on the test by using the video below :) but that does suck she did that to you. :(

For all of you medical experts on FML, there is almost never an indication to give insulin in an emergency. If you give insulin to an overmedicated diabetic, or a diabetic who has taken their drugs and has not eaten, you will exacerbate their hypoglycemia. Insulin signals most of the body's cells to take up glucose from the blood; of particular importance are brain cells. If you give insulin to someone with hypoglycemia or drug-induced hypoglycemia you will most likely send them into a coma and kill them. Give them what they need, which is a simple sugar that can restore their blood glucose level. And before someone says "you CAN'T give a diabetic sugar!," you should know that the diseases caused by diabetes are CHRONIC diseases. High blood glucose levels in a short period of time are fine, and they give you enough time to get a person to a physician.

Monstarred 7

I sometimes get shaky and a little sick when I dont eat, so its believed that im slightly hypoglysemic. Still sucks either way. FYL

Shoulda been like "If I pass out, I'm suing your ass into the ground"

I would sue the bitch for all she is worth!

lil_miz_liz09 0
Icalasari 0

Oh god, I feel for you OP. I have Aspergers - a mild form of Autism. People not understanding what Aspergers and Tourrettes (another disorder of mine) are can cause a world of trouble People saying the OP deserves it: You are jackasses and/or trolls

You can tell how many Americans frequent this site by all the postings of "SUE THE BITCH"

That has to be one bad case of hypoglycemia. I'm hypoglycemic but I don't have any problems unless I haven't eaten for 4 hours or so.