By :,< - 17/09/2012 17:16 - United States

Today, I took my daughter to a pony ride at the fair. I paid to have her picture taken, and when we got home, I emailed it to my mom. She replied, disgustedly pointing out that the pretty little pony was displaying a pretty little penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 422
You deserved it 2 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments


So you took your daughter on the pedo pony ride huh?

saffy66 34

Oh well that photo will make a good story at her 21st; meanwhile get someone to photoshop a copy to share with people now.

I don't even know... The best I can say is to Photoshop it out. But that's a funny story when she is 16 XD

Oh yeah, the classic embarrassing story of when she rode a male pony. Oh yes, real rich that one...

Your comment is funnier read in Stewies voice lol.

It's like the fine print in a contract. Hard to notice, but still there.

BradTheBrony 19

"It's like the fine print in a contract. Hard-" Woah, woah, hold up right there and don't continue. Perfect.

SApprentice 34

At least you have an amusing photo now.

onorexveritas 23

so what? she's going to get mad because a male animal has a penis?

KingCeltic77 18

It's not your fault. Horses have penises. You can't exactly control that!