By not picking up - 20/03/2015 17:50 - Slovenia - Zelimlje

Today, I took my girlfriend to meet my parents. My dad thought it'd be hilarious to act surprised and ask me if I'd already dumped the girlfriend I introduced him to yesterday. She slapped me and stormed out of the house before my dad could tell her it was a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 459
You deserved it 2 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dads always try to be funny. it usually never ends well

IAmzephyr 22

I'm sure everything will be ok if your dad explains to her that it was just a joke. Then you can hopefully laugh about it.


tripmax4 3

What's your proof that she doesn't have a sense of humor? Because she didn't realize it was a joke? Lots of people fall for a joke.

I have to admit, that is actually pretty hilarious. Sorry about having that happen to you OP, but she should let it go if your dad explains that it was a joke. It should all just blow over and become something to laugh about

agreed, I thought it a pretty funny joke. hopefully OP can talk to her. if not than she wasn't worth your time Op

If I were the GF in this situation I would honestly assume his comment was a joke, and laugh. FHL for not having a sense of humor.

exactly, this is actually a really common joke for people to use when first meeting someone's partner. i never take it seriously, i usually go along with it and add to it.

dacooliest 16

With cheating being so prevalent, I can't say I'd have reacted any better; unless I knew beforehand that their dad was a jokester.

tripmax4 3

I don't know how this proves she doesn't have a sense of humor

I feel like it probably depends on what OP's father's tone of voice was, because f it were a serious/surprised tone, and OP hadn't mentioned his father being a joker, then it'd be hard not to instantly react like that. If it were me, once I realised it was a joke is feel terrible.

If her self esteem is shot and so is her features, she probably think he's cheating already and OPs dad probably just ****** her up completely. Still not a reason to put her hands on him. Folk don't realize that there is a law staying that the "Aggressor may not claim self defense". That means that if you attack someone they can legally **** you up. Male or Female, that's right ladies, keep your hands off ya man or he can whip yo ass!

Awesome way to go dad. Guess your GF walked over and y were to tired to run after her

And that was the moment that Dad knew...he ****** up

Sounds to me like she overreacted a little bit. Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come.

tripmax4 3

The slapping was a bit much, but her getting upset because she thought he was cheating wasn't.

Need a follow up! Do you live happily ever after and make stupid dad jokes to your own children's partners?