By Gtca - 01/11/2013 08:56 - United States - Mckinney
Gtca tells us more.
OP here! A lot of these comments are hilarious! Thanks for that and for those that showed us some support and sympathy. We started trick or treating at 5:15. Apparently trick or treating kicks up in our neighborhood around 6/6:30. Now I know. When I went trick or treating when I was younger, everyone started around 4 and people were prepared. Besides, how hard is it put some candy in a bowl? Also, some people commented about why a 2.5 year old needs candy, he doesn't, but we went for the experience. Luckily, we rebounded and had a fun Halloween after that incident.
Top comments
Teaching OP's son the "trick" part of "trick-or-treat"
Egg her house while singing Wrecking Ball! Even better!
Well, first post any way...
You should just shut up now
There is no such thing as too early!!
I told that to a woman too, but I was threatened with a call to police. Apparently June 13 is too early for trick-or-treating. I had my costume on and everything. :( And by costume, I mean birthday suit.
Wouldn't October 30th be too early?
12, look up the meaning of birthday suit.
One time me and my brother were so late that instead of candy we got chicken wings
Chicken tastes good :D
Hopefully the rest of your neighbors aren't that rude. If they are, you might want to find a new neighborhood to trick or treat in next year.
I see what you did there
She's big, scary, and PINK!
Whoever slammed the door was a Halloweenie.
yea definitely hollowbitch
More like a sHALLOW bitch
More like an asshole. Wait, I thought we were just describing her.
Or pull a Charlie Brown and give her a rock
No, guys, it's supposed to be a lump of coal. ... Oh wait, that's Christmas isn't it? Sorry, carry on.
No treat? Time for a trick. Fire works well
I'm surprised I don't see more children of the corn.
Or you could send them to oblivion with your boot up her ass.
Wouldn't it have been easier for her to just... not answer the door?
how would she know who it was?
I agree #48. If she said it was 'too early' then the girl wouldn't have expected a ToT. And who knows if the two year old said "trick or treat" loud enough? But the slamming of the door? Uncalled for.
Slamming the door is relative. It could be that the door always seems to slam, or maybe the person didn't mean to shut the door as hard as they did. I've done that a few times. In the end, as long as the two year old isn't scarred for life (rather "scared" for life heh) it should be fine.

Egg her house and or sing Wrecking Ball
There is no such thing as too early!!