By gullible - 21/02/2010 02:38 - United States

Today, I travelled across an ocean to visit the guy I'm dating. He lied to me about his apartment; he lives in a dorm with a twin-sized bed and a bathroom he shares with 8 guys. Just now, after taking 3 trains from the airport to his "apt", he asked me to edit his essay while he goes to class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 980
You deserved it 8 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah that really sucks.He sounds selfish and obviously you can do better :). Goodluck

dudeitsdanny 9

If it's an online relationship, I'm sorry to say you kinda deserved it. if you knew him, and he simply moved away, then FYL.


Orlinda 2

you do the essay your retarted. and yep I wouldn't go meet a guy that far he comes and visits me

flee ! but don't forget to write "looser" on the mirror of the bathroom before u leave

Quest_ 13

To clarify the state of her ****** after gang banging nine blokes?

make sure that when you edit his essay that you make him get an f on it. Then pack your bags and go home.

If you loved him you would not care. you're just disappointed because you assumed you were going to get cheap but good lodging for your overseas vacation. on another note - I have been thinking about that bathroom. I wonder if a light saber would work as a toilet brush. After a Wookie takes a dump in your bathroom you'd better have some pretty robust cleaning tools.

voice_of_reasonx 0

Honestly, FYL. What he did was inexcusable. It's never right to lie outside of the realm of counteracting immediate and serious danger. I understand this lie may not be significant on its own, but the fact that he's willing to lie about something so inconcequential shows that he can't be trusted, ESPECIALLY when it's something of significance. Then for him to top it all off with asking you to do things for him? It's just tragedy waiting to happen.

I agree that it was wrong to lie, but I also think it be a certifiable miracle if you found a relationship in which neither person had lied to each other even once - and I would include not only romantic, but all kinds of human relationships. Lies get told all the time, yet we still manage to trust people. This could have been a big lie - telling the girl he had an apartment on his own, really playing up his living conditions and what have you. It could have been something as simple as, when she asked, he simply said, "Oh, I'm in an apartment" instead of "Oh, I'm in a dorm." which - to me - doesn't seem like that big of a deal. When I visited Europe, I told my parents I was staying at a hotel when in truth I was staying in a hostel, but only because I wanted them to imagine a place cleaner and safer than they would if I said hostel. I didn't lie about it, though, by telling them I was staying at the London Hilton. I said it was a hotel for student travelers, that I would be rooming with three other girls and sharing a bathroom, but that everything was clean and safe. There are sort of levels to a lie, and depending on what the boy said here verses what the girl simply assumed, I wouldn't say the situation was so bad that the relationship was instantly doomed and he was automatically a bad person.

allen20 0

Dats wat you get for meeting ppl online

so there's ten of you altogether? statistically 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape...

dudeitsdanny 9

Hopefully OP is one of those =O

I agree with "MadaZero" lol he sounds like a queeeeero lol

I agree with "MadaZer0" that guy you're dating sounds pretty gay to me , I mean come on now what straight guy decides to live with 8 other men and share the one bathrom they have? lol

bathroom* and are you saying they only had 1 twin-sized bed for 9 men total? whoa homoooo lol it's not worth it ahah