By gullible - 21/02/2010 02:38 - United States

Today, I travelled across an ocean to visit the guy I'm dating. He lied to me about his apartment; he lives in a dorm with a twin-sized bed and a bathroom he shares with 8 guys. Just now, after taking 3 trains from the airport to his "apt", he asked me to edit his essay while he goes to class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 980
You deserved it 8 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah that really sucks.He sounds selfish and obviously you can do better :). Goodluck

dudeitsdanny 9

If it's an online relationship, I'm sorry to say you kinda deserved it. if you knew him, and he simply moved away, then FYL.


Sounds like you have one more "train ride" cumming!

retardslayer 0

dumb bitches always think that guys from other countries will be different than the guys where they are. they have the same chance of being different as anyone in your country

Snezzle 0

Dump him... he wasn't honest with you

dugumit 0

a dag is actually a piece of shit hanging of the wool of a lambs ass.......btw op why are u still there pack ur shit and leave already!

Sounds like he should be an ex boyfriend real quick. I'd have left after he did, leaving it unedited. What an asshole!

Oh no. My boyfriend is clearly still in college and its unthinkable that he should have roomates. Why isn't he rich and independent and living on his own? He probably just knew that you wouldn't come to visit him if he said he had male roomates. And if he lives in a different country, I would say he doesn't get to see you that often. Yes, he lied, but that's more of a slap on the wrist that an "OMG he's messed dump him". Also, maybe he just knows that you're a better writer than he is, or didn't want you to be bored. Or wanted your opinions. My friends ask me to edit their stuff all the time, and I read my stuff to my boyfriend for his opinions. You should probably talk to him, that complaining on FML.

uhhlana: It's kind of interesting, reading the comments on FMLs. It gives you an interesting sample of the thought processes of the population at large. I am always intrigued to find people who will excuse aberrant behavior in others and condemn normal behavior. Let me get this straight: The OP is bad for expecting him to have painted an accurate picture of his life and to be happy to see her, but the "boyfriend" is in the clear for: -Lying about his living conditions. -Not caring enough about her to take the train out to the airport to retrieve her after she flew to see him. -Not having arranged to spend some time with her upon her arrival. -Putting her to work editing his essay, which he should have done. Hmmmm. In case you missed the wording, he didn't sit with her and read the essay to her for her opinion, he handed it to her and said "edit this" while he went to do something else. Upon their first meeting. He's a callous ass, and if you don't have a reading comprehension problem, so are you.

I know a couple who met online while he was living in Europe and she in North America. They got to know each other and fell in love. He, being a poor student, saved every penny he had to fly to her country and marry her. When he arrived, he discovered that she was over 400 lbs. and had no job or education. He is fit and gorgeous with a sexy accent and a Ph D. He married her because he had already developed feelings for her and couldn't admit to himself that all the weight was a deal breaker for him. They've been married for about 10 years now, and she's still huge, and they still fight about her weight. He's stuck married to someone who embarrasses him because she lied and he couldn't turn his back. Online relationships can be wonderful, but they should come with a HUGE sticker on them that says: BUYER BEWARE! Just as in offline relationships, these days you should really do a background check, credit check, psychological test, family history and general physical on a person before getting serious. 'Cause these days? Bitches be crazy. :)

They didn't exchange photos or anything? If you're going to fall that much for someone, you should at least know what they look like...

he was probably embarrassed. get over it and be happy that he actually wanted you to come.