By Anonymous - 10/11/2010 17:14 - United States

Today, I tried opening a can for the first time using a manual can opener. I tried for a half hour to open a can of ravioli, mutilating the can in the process. Only after watching five Youtube videos on how to use a manual can opener did I notice the pull-tab on the top of the ravioli can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 858
You deserved it 65 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seriously it's not that hard to use a manual can opener.... tard


This reminds me of the time I went camping and forgot a can opener. I ended up opening a can of tuna with a pocket knife. I only cut myself like 6 times on the lid.

arngmudpuppy13 0

Haha. Wow, that is a whole new level of stupid!

arngmudpuppy13 0

Haha, wow. That is a whole new level of dumb. "Artificial intellgence has nothing on real stupidity!"

er... this guys either a troll, or a complete imbecile...

soozjw 2

Here's some more instructions you might find useful; 1. breath in 2. breath out FYL

What exactly were you doing with the can opener? Were you just hitting the can over and over again like some sort of confused caveman?

zombieglamour_fml 0

umm.. how do you not know how to use a can opener -_-

wow, yet another incompetent, retarded male! who's surprised?

Thats absolutely pathetic. 1. What MORON does not know how to use a canopener? its no rocketscience, people! 2. Who had the time to open a can while explaining how to open a can in front of a camera? 3. How can you NOT spot the gigantic tab on the can?