By Anonymous - 10/11/2010 17:14 - United States

Today, I tried opening a can for the first time using a manual can opener. I tried for a half hour to open a can of ravioli, mutilating the can in the process. Only after watching five Youtube videos on how to use a manual can opener did I notice the pull-tab on the top of the ravioli can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 858
You deserved it 65 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seriously it's not that hard to use a manual can opener.... tard


you didnt notice the pull tab?how so? unless you had the can of ravioli upside down..then in that case why would you?

Morgansayshi 0

At least you finally opened it! Thank goodness for those pull tabs :)

mschrisaya 4

I laughed for a whole minute after reading the first two sentences of this!!!! lol

you are ******* stupid! not as stupid as the girl I met that didn't know what dirt is. but stupid none the less. what's wrong with you kids these days?